Friday, May 27, 2011

Margaret Trudeau: Changing My Mind

The title of this novel suggests a double entrendre, Margaret Trudeau attempts to understand the changes in her life and the role of mental illness in those changes.  She never blames anyone for her decisions, but always takes responsibility for them.  There are events in her life which are shared with the former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, and then further events with her second husband, Fred Kempler. Her biography begins with her first marriage and the political stir that caused and the expectations levied on Margaret. Feeling a failure, Margaret left Pierre.  She did not have full custody of the three children, Justin, Michael and Sasha, but did continue to have a positive relationship with them.  Two more children followed in her second marriage.
Her emotional state became more and more fragile, to the point where she was hospitalized more than once.
The death of her son Michael caused her depression to lessen.  She was diagnosed as manic-depressive, which explained her many impulses and emotional lows. The book is illustrated with many pictures from her life, which are stories in themselves.  Most Canadians will not learn much about the political affairs of the nation, but may come to better understand a beautiful woman whose life has been filled with both joy and sorrow. It is my observation that considerable bravery is involved in showing the world your mistakes and your complete helplessness.  Margaret Trudeau in a strait-jacket is not a pretty picture.