Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Virgin Cure (2011) by Ami McKay

Life in late 1800's New York City could be a brutal and lonely place.  Moth, only 12 years old, was sold by her mother to a wealthy for a small bag of coins.  Upon escaping from the brutality and cruelty of Mrs. Wentworth, Moth found herself on the street, hungry and endangered.  Another young teenager took her to a brothel operated by Miss Everett, who began to groom her for the highest bidder.  A young virgin was much prized.  A woman doctor befriended Moth, now called Ada Fenwick, encouraging her to leave the life of a prostitute.  Ada thinks that she can use the brothel and then get out.  The sexual morals of men at the time are shocking, especially as concerns STD's and The Virgin Cure.  The book kept me reading and comparing social stigma from then to present day.  Ami McKay is the author of The Birth House, an equally facinating book which looks at the sexual and reproductive lives of women over a century ago.