Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Love (2003) by Toni Morrison

An eighteen year old girl, just out of juvenile detention, answers an ad in a newspaper to assist an elderly lady withy her memoirs. Junior (you can just call me June) comes from a childhood of neglect and lands in detention for stealing a chocolate bar.  Her tough attitude keeps her there longer than necessary, when she won't comply with giving herself sexually to staff.  The novel revolves around the deceased  Bill Cosey, who owned a dance hall and restaurant in the 40's and 50's.  Black musicians would come from great distances to play there, so esteemed was the reputation.
Bill Cosey first wife died.  His daughter Christine was the same age as May, his second wife.  But the shocking situation was that May went from being Christine's playmate to Bill's wife at age 11.  Her parents literary gave her away. Now, decades later, Christine and May share the family home, with great animosity between them.  Neither would be deprived of what they tho7ght was their rightful property.  As Junior listened to the stories, their past was revealed and also the way that Bill Cosey used people to his own ends, with dramatic impact of the lives of all those around him. Why is the novel entitled "Love"?  There are those who live with love for their children and family, and there are those who have lost love and only know envy and regret. Bill Cosey, who seemed so loved, was responsible for destroying love's potential.