Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The redbreast (2000) by Jo Nesbo

Excellent review at

In this third of the Harry Hole (pronounced Hula) series, Harry is tasked with investigating  neo-Nazis in Oslo.  One of these street skin-heads kills his partner, Ellen, at the instigation of a 'higher-up' in the police force, known on the street as The Prince. However, a particular rifles smuggled in from South Africa becomes the focus of the sleuthing. This leads to a few old men who fought with the Germans against the Russians  during the occupation of  Norway. One man in particular has the much sought after rifle and is planning to use it for no good.

Harry meets Rakel for the first time and their desire for one another is obvious, with both of them proceeding cautiously.  Rakel is compromised by a Norwegian in the diplomatic service, with this situation resolving itself in a very peculiar way.

The detail of the writing of the soldier's lives at the Eastern Front is carefully juxtapositioned against the current day lives of the individuals involved.  I really liked this Jo Nesbo novel.  All parts supported one another in a tight package.  Herr Nesbo shows considerable sensitivity in the way he related his observations of birds to Ellen.