Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Blue Dahlia (2005) by Nora Roberts

As usual, Nora Roberts, can churn out the novels.  In this book, there are two main backgrounds, gardening and a ghost.  Of course, there is the traditional Southern mansion, wealthy divorcee, widow with two young children, unwed stranger, a family landscaping business, and a tragic plane crash. Of course, all men are tall, muscular, and capable of falling in love. Now the ghost who haunts the mansion adds the suspense that this romance requires.  She is a good ghost given to bursts of anger. The cast of characters determine, among their romantic escapades, that the origin of the ghost must be found, in order for all to find rest.

Nora Roberts writes uncomplicated stories of the melodrama vein, however, she can keep the attention of the reader.  This  book is a good romp.  Part of a trilogy, I guess that I have to read the subsequent two.

Oh yes, I loved the title.