Sunday, September 20, 2015

The murder of Harriet Krohn (2004 Eng trans 2014) by Karin Fossum

The narrative is told by the murderer, Charlo Trop, and it is from his letters and remembrances that the reader sees the self-absorption and hopelessness of Charlo's character.  He is a compulsive gambler whose wife kept it all together, but with her death his behaviour deteriorates.  Stealing from his job as a car salesman gets him fired.  Then he borrows lots of money from friends, whom he does not repay.  His 17 year old daughter does not trust him and is beginning to carve out her own life. He determines to rob a woman he knows from a coffee shop.  The burglary goes band and in his inner conflict results in serious violence which kills her.  With her money he tries to rehabilitate himself, paying off his debts and buying his daughter a horse.  She begins to thaw and develop a new relationship with her father, but the long arm of the law is working overtime.  Inspector Karl Sojer brings him in for questioning several times before an arrest is made. The myriad of lies Charlo tells seals his fate.