Monday, July 4, 2016

do less (2014) by Rachel Jonat

do less is a minimalist guide to creating a simplified, organized, and happy life.  Lots of good ideas, but I can't help but think that this is the way I lived as a child, and so did the other families' around us.  No such thing as two cars, in fact many families had no car and travelled by bus.  Children shared bedroom, beds, and closets.  Toys were few.  No need for a family room, as that was the kitchen where we played board games.  You had your good shoes and your play shoes.  And only sailors had tattoos! Hair was washed once a week, and baths were taken in a few inches as water so as to not waste. So many of us lived with wells.  No throwing clothes in the washer and dryer.  The winger washer was dangerous and belonged to mom.  Clothes were hung outside, summer and winter. Most clothes were handed down between siblings and cousins.  The word designer was a word reserved for architects and the like. There were also church clothes which were worn every Sunday.  This was normal. Breast feeding was no a new behaviour for mothers, but a healthy and inexpensive way to feed babies.  Guess that my generation knows lots already about a minimalist lifestyle.