Saturday, June 14, 2008

South Carolina in June

Our trip to South Carolina was easy driving - no winter storms or windshield washers - until we were within 160 km of our destination. As fate would have it, a large piece of metal on the highway gouged our gas tank, broke some lines, and damaged struts. The car behind us also suffered a similar fate. Imagine our concern! But, a 911 call, a firetruck from Fork Hills, a tow truck, and State Trooper Hope all assisted us in getting off the road. With the price of gasoline these days it's worrisome to see it drain away. We landed in Rock Hill at a large Honda dealership, which could not help us at the time. My insurance company, Meloche Monnex, were excellent in arranging for a local adjustor to come and see the car. By 4 pm it was obvious I would miss my 5 pm class in Columbia. When there are only 4 classes and you have driven for three days, it's a bitter pill to swallow to miss the first one. However, Rock Hill Honda is wireless and I was able to send an email to my professor, who was very gracious.

Lorne and I have settled into our residence, the students here having an average age of 21. Many of the kids are Chinese, as it is too far for them to go home for the summer. The apartment puts a whole new definition on the term "crunge". If any residence needed a makeover, it's this one. It does not fit well with the rest of the campus, which is immaculately clean and manicured. Beautiful buidings abound - the sports stadium, the theatre, the fitness and wellness centre, and a plethora of other structures on the many campuses.
My classes are doing well, and I am managing to be a student again after so many years. I completed my last masters in 1984. Being a librarian definitely helps me with the concepts of research and scholarship. Lorne spends his time bicycling the city, reading, and cooking while I study. But we both find time to visit the outside pool at the Fitness and Wellness Centre. Enjoy the photos! I've bought a new one-piece bathing suit since seeing the pic! How is it that I've only had a 'mommy tummy' in the past five years, when my kids were born 81/83?
Last week we drove to Myrtle Beach. It was fantastic! Miles of clean beach with warm waters for playing. Along the coast the weather is confortable. It's a great way to stay cool. However, the six-hour return trip does tire one slightly.
Two nights ago we had the most spectacular thunder and lightning storm I have ever witnessed. The wind was up and the rain driving hard. Lorne and I had gone outside with our umbrellas, but returned drenched. It was a good cool down as it had been 100F all day.
Tomorrow we are headed to Charleston, for some sightseeing and beach activity. We wear our hats, sunglasses, and sun block to protect us from those damaging UV rays. The drive is two hours. Since Columbia, the state capital, is in the middle of the state, one must drive two to three hours to go anywhere Savannah, Atlanta, Charlotte, Hilton Head. We are having a good time!