Thursday, June 26, 2008

Zoology & Botany 101

Close to downtown Columbia is the Riverbank Zoo and Gardens. We spent a delightful afternoon looking at the exotic plants that thrive in the Southeast heat. We believe many originate from the Caribean islands. We recognize many familiar varieties that only survive as house plants in our Nova Scotia temperate climate.

The animals at the zoo are housed in as much a natural setting as is possible. They have gone to great lenghts to re-create pastures and rock formations that would exist in the Serengeti.

The zoo also has the most extensive aquariums we have ever viewed. The varities and colors of exotic fish from around the globe are in abundance.

The interesting part of traveling is meeting the people that live and work in the area. While waiting for the shuttle to take us back to our car, we learn a lot of local history and interesting facts about the area from our driver. Most people in Columbia seem very easy to talk to. When I mentioned this to a sales clerk in a department store, she acknowledged that you're not in New York. I agree.