Saturday, March 3, 2012

moose a memoir of fat camp by Stephanie Klein

Moose: A Memoir of Fat Camp

From age eight Stephanie's parents commented and fretted about her weight.  Enrolling her in various programs, she only became more aware of her body and more filled with self-loathing.  If only she could have been left alone!  A fat camp did help her one summer and the next summer and the next summer, only for her to return as a counsellor.  But, Stephanie grew up and waddling to her doctors - no, not due to weight, but due to her pregnancy with twins.  Imagine her surprise when her doctor admonished her because her weight was too low.  She had to eat!  She had to gain weight!  Imagine.  She had gone full circle.  This book is filled with humour as Stephanie gives us her insights as a girl, a teen, and an adult.