Saturday, March 24, 2012

Morality For Beautiful Girls by Alexander McCall Smith 2001

Another volume of the series , 'The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency' delights the reader.  McCall Smith's books are so pleasurable that they warm the heart and uplift the spirit.  Morality for Beautiful Girls gives Mma Maketetse a prominent role as she becomes an Assistant Manager of Mr. J.L.B. Matekoni's garage.  She whips his previously lazy and immature apprentices into shape, such that they actually want to please her. Mma Makateste soldiers on at work and at home.  She has not confided in Mma Ramotswe that her brother, who is dying of AIDS, has now become her sole responsibility. Money and medical helpf for him will be very difficult.

Mr. J.L.B. Matekoni has become ill, but Precious Ramotswe  discovers that his illness is not of the body, but more of the soul.  It is something the doctor calls "depression".  In addition to looking after the orphan children he adopted, Mma Ramotswe must help him understand his illness and accept help, which he does in the form of going to the Orphan Farm for a respite and the nurturing of Mma Potokwane,  form whom Mt. J.L.B Matekoni has done many favours to help the orphans. There is a government official who is convinced his sister-in-law is attempting to poison his brother.  Precious Ramotsawe must solve this case to the satisfaction of all.